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Carolina Cares is seeking a pro-bono part-time Bookkeeper and an Accountant- Contact us for more info
We need space!
Does your business have more space than you use?
Would it be possible to partition off a section for our nonprofit?
Do you work with commercial property owners who want to give back to their community?
Would your business or family like to sponsor a space for Carolina Cares?
The Carolina Cares team currently utilizes our own personal homes and a few graciously donated storage rooms for all of our work. Imagine what we could accomplish with a dedicated space.
Please Contact Us if you'd like to help us grow.
Sponsor an Event
We welcome businesses, organizations, and families who would like to partially or fully sponsor an event.
Sponsorship opportunities:
Food Pantry Pop Ups
Christmas Program
Thanksgiving Program
Halloween Children's Event
Back-to-School Giveaway
Lunch during Christmas, Halloween, and Back-to-School events
Have an idea for another event? We'd love to hear it!
Donate Business Surplus
If your business has surplus food and hygiene items, your donation would go directly to our neighbors who need them.
Do you work for a grocery store, retail store, restaurant, or farm? If you throw away anything just because the packaging is damaged or the manufacturer changed the label design so it can't be sold, that's an item we could use too.
Please Contact Us for more information.
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