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That's a Wrap on the 2024 Holiday Season for Carolina Cares!


Thank you to all of our volunteers, donors, and sponsors.
Carolina Cares couldn't do it without you.

Saturday's holiday event was amazing! I am so proud of all that we accomplished. WE all make a wonderful team, a beautiful community of people coming together to make the magic happen. I know Zanny was smiling yesterday too.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all sharing and believing in our dream and making it all possible.

To all of our clients who came out and got things for your children thank you for being so kind and patient as we pulled off this massive event in a relatively short window of time. I hope your kids are thrilled as they open their gifts on Christmas morning. It says so much about a parent's love that they'll stand out in the cold weather to get things for their children. As I tell myself when I'm tired, we do it all for the kids.

Yesterday was a culmination of a full year's worth of work. A team of volunteers sought out donors, donations, sponsors, and volunteers. We shopped, collected, sorted, cleaned, packed, carried and labeled. We spread the word.

For those that still don't know, Carolina Cares is 100% run by volunteers and funded by donations. We are a small grassroots nonprofit but we are all dedicated, passionate, and scrappy!

I will work on some more personal thank yous later, for now, thank you SO much!

-Laura Collins, and the Carolina Cares Team

Clients Register Here

To be eligible to receive services, or attend Carolina Cares' programs and events, you must first register as a client.


Volunteers Register Here

​Volunteers must first register, then they are free to sign up for any and all events.


Yes you can be a client and a volunteer! Many are!

Check to see if your company

matches  donations!

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